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Content Creator 



🎼About me :


Thank you for your visit and interest in my work!
My name is Yasaman (Jasmine) Asgari, and like my name, my personality also has many hyphens and parenthesis. Born and raised in Tehran until I was 10, grew up in Brooklyn, studied in New Jersey, and attended university in the United Kingdom, I have absorbed and molded to my diverse surroundings. Having a deep sense of community and emotional vulnerability I gravitated towards The Arts and Humanities. Always curious I enjoy the complexities of different societies and cultures, and I strive to make art that represents these experiences.

Academically, I graduated with my Bachelors in Political Science from Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, in 2018. During my Junior year, I decided to study abroad in the United Kingdom, upturning my world once again. It was an eye-opening experience that propelled me towards continuing my interests in global affairs by applying to a master's program abroad in the UK as well. In 2019, I successfully completed my Master's in International Relations from the University of Manchester with new perspectives and vested European interests.

Currently, I am based in Californias Bay Area and am looking to expand my connections. I have taken a lot from my experiences abroad and find myself to be at a new cultural edge while living in the West Coast. I'm eager and excited to understand the mannerisms and customs and acquaint myself here, just as I have in the past with my other "homes". 


If you would like to know more, or work on a project, then feel free to reach out by contacting me below! 
I look forward to getting to know and working with you.

All The Best, 

Yasaman | Jasmine | Jazo | Asgari


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